In the last decade I committed to more fully understanding what it takes to be healthy, in every way. Academic study along with powerful life-lessons have helped me make sense of things that I’ve mainly known all along, whilst also teaching me to be grateful every day.

Perhaps the most profound change though, happened during last year – I devoted more time to “inner listening”.  A year ago I had no idea that the process would bring buried emotions slowly to the surface and that I would feel their suffocating weight, unable to escape. I’m very much a “don’t look back, no regrets” kinda gal so it took me by surprise. Plus 2019 was a year full of positives, so I felt guilty and annoyed with myself. But during the last few days of the year I found time to process. I got more comfortable with “entertaining” these uninvited “guests” and I was able to listen to their strident opinions.  Now I know why they came visiting and, now that they’ve gone, I can see how the process has helped to clarify what needs to be shown the door and what I will proudly take forward!

As a result I’ve been able to avoid the seasonal trap of New Year’s resolutions.  A black and white list of do’s or don’ts has never worked for me as I find that resolutions only leave me feeling a failure at the first slip up! Intentions, however, are different – something we can continually work on, in fact they require our constant attention. They can grow with us to offer us the best chance of evolving. A new decade is a chance to ask more of ourselves and “sweat less of the small stuff and inner listening has definitely strengthened my resolve to focus on what really matters.

For me it is time to believe what my heart, body, mind and soul have been telling me all along; my intention for 2020 is to honour myself.  I want to “step up” to my full potential – leading by example so I can serve, teach and help others, to access the innate wisdom that we all have, and move forward with gentle grace.