This month I’m continuing to share some Tara Brach meditation techniques designed to aid self-compassion. Part of the process of cultivating self-compassion requires us to bring awareness to our limiting beliefs and then investigate these beliefs.
Oftentimes the limiting beliefs we have come from fear; all insecurities create feelings of separation, disconnection, isolation and not belonging. In order to heal, we need to reconnect, rekindle our sense of belonging and remember our intrinsic worth. This means finding our way back to a sense of belonging and finding a sense of connection with our innermost self. We also need to let go of harsh judgements – both those we harbour about ourself as well as other. Whilst ever there is judgement it is impossible to find a “level playing field” because if we feel inferior or superior we lose our true sense of worth and the possibility of meaningful connections because judgement is a barrier to those connections.
When we deepen our dedication to honouring our own intrinsic worth this opens up our sense of appreciation of everything and everyone around as. We are no longer in comparison mode and the world around us no longer fuels feelings of either inferiority or superiority.