Personal Prescription


Sharing my knowledge of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils is now central to my work as I have seen first hand how the pure essential oils produced by doTERRA have uplevelled my own health. These oils are not only supporting my physical wellbeing – immunity, gut, metabolic health, skin, urinary tract and structural integrity – but are also invaluable when it comes to supporting my Nervous System.  DoTERRA formulations are helping me sleep through the night as well as helping me find peace and clarity.

My 1:1 Personal Prescriptions are my way of showing you how to help yourself! We’ll discuss your health concerns and goals so that I can then offer you a  personalised prescription that will include nutrition, botanicals, oils and supplements.  I know this integrated approach is the best way to benefit from the power of these healing oils and improve your long-term health whilst avoiding wasting time or money on things that don’t work!

This is what you’ll get:

  • 60 minute 1:1 consultation via zoom, taking time to discuss your health concerns and goals
  • Concise, evidence-based guidance on your health improvement priorities along with an actionable strategy
  • Intuitive advice on living more consciously and in awareness of your choices
  • Personalised dōTERRA product advice including essential oils, botanicals and supplements
  • A gift bag containing a carefully curated selection of doTERRA wellness products, just for you

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Sharing my knowledge of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils is now central to my work as I have seen first hand how the pure essential oils produced by doTERRA have uplevelled my own health. These oils are not only supporting my physical wellbeing – immunity, gut, metabolic health, skin, urinary tract and structural integrity – but are also invaluable when it comes to supporting my Nervous System.  DoTERRA formulations are helping me sleep through the night as well as helping me find peace and clarity.

My 1:1 Personal Prescriptions are my way of showing you how to help yourself! We’ll discuss your health concerns and goals so that I can then offer you a  personalised prescription that will include nutrition, botanicals, oils and supplements.  I know this integrated approach is the best way to benefit from the power of these healing oils and improve your long-term health whilst avoiding wasting time or money on things that don’t work!

This is what you’ll get:

  • 60 minute 1:1 consultation via zoom, taking time to discuss your health concerns and goals
  • Concise, evidence-based guidance on your health improvement priorities along with an actionable strategy
  • Intuitive advice on living more consciously and in awareness of your choices
  • Personalised dōTERRA product advice including essential oils, botanicals and supplements
  • A gift bag containing a carefully curated selection of doTERRA wellness products, just for you


Frequently Asked Questions:

Will you make me buy products?

In a word, No!  But most often all the stuff you use every single day could be so much better.  I’ll simply show you the switches. In the past decade I’ve seen countless clients bring along their carrier bags full of sh*T from Holland & Barrett; stuff that at best is a waste of money!  I will share the products that work for me; and I mean the ones I totally love, and would not be without!

Isn’t dōTERRA expensive?

We do pay more for quality, purity and fairtrade but I can honestly say that with the loyalty reward points I get on every order, my monthly spend on personal care and supplements is much less that it was before I switched to dōTERRA.  I’m pretty confident I can help you save money!

Why do you offer this service?

I’m committed to empowering more women to their own health and their families. It breaks my heart to see women struggling with their health and outsourcing their wellbeing to others when I know that with just a little help they can seize back control themselves.


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