doTERRA Essential Oils2025-03-24T13:21:46+00:00

doTERRA Essential Oils

“I experienced chemical poisoning – it was terrifying – and it was caused by an everyday product found in most households”

Essential oils snuck into my life way back …  Oregano for digestive health, geranium for clearer skin and lavender for its powerful antiseptic properties.

But then I experienced chemical poisoning – it was terrifying – and it was simply from the odour of an everyday product that’s in just about every household; bleach! It has left me permanently sensitised to bleach and unable to use it!  I’ll share the story one day but it triggered a full-scale detox of my household, now nearly two decades ago.  As a result, essential oils moved centre-stage in my wellness journey. Along with bleach I’d started reacting to many other everyday cleaning products, so I ditched them all.  Since then, I’ve eliminated harsh chemical cleaners, personal care products and home scenting products.  I’ve replaced them all with essential oils.

Why doTERRA?

Purity – I chose to align with doTERRA first and foremost because the oils are Certified Pure & Therapeutic Grade (CPTG). doTERRA are committed to rigorously testing all their oils and the testing process is transparent, so all results are published. This has given me the confidence to use them both topically and internally – which I do!

Sourcing – doTERRA source their Oils from around the globe, seeking out locations where each plant is healthiest. They work with small scale farmers to ensure the growing, harvesting and distillation process is ethical, fair and empowering.

Education – doTERRA Essential Oils are sold person to person in a model that prioritises education and community support. What I’ve also learnt is that it is important to use these oils with great care, as they are extremely powerful.  Which is why when you start your doTERRA journey with me you’ll receive ongoing education and personal guidance from me. You will also have full access to our support community, where you will learn how to get the most from your oils.

Essentials Oil Classes

Day & Date

Class info to go here 

Day & Date

Class info to go here 

Day & Date

Class info to go here 

Day & Date

Class info to go here 

More info to go here if needed.

Book an Essential Oils Class

Work with me

If you’d like to start using doTERRA oils yourself then there are two options:
1. You can purchase your oils as a Wholesale Customer, receiving wholesale pricing and benefiting from education and personal guidance from me.
2. Build your own business with doTERRA as a Wellness Advocate, with ongoing mentorship and an incredibly supportive team to help you grow.
Let me know if you’d like to know more and we can chat!
Get started!

Upcoming Essential Oil Classes

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