Diet and lifestyle have a huge impact on hormone balance but the powerful effects of making simple modifications are often over-looked. Even less well-understood is how effective essential oils  can be at re-balancing our mood and reducing stress.  Hormones are chemical messengers, relaying information around the body, however it is very easy for levels to become disrupted and women are especially susceptible to imbalances caused by:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Unstable blood sugar
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • High intake of caffeine and or sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Environmental toxins
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Low or extremely high levels of exercise

Essential oils can be used therapeutically to help restore balance, especially when combined with dietary and lifestyle modifications. Here are my 5  favourite oils for hormone balancing….

Lavender – supports sleep and can help to reduces anxiety, which will inevitably lower stress hormones.  Blend with fractionated coconut oil in a roller-ball bottle and apply to wrists and temples or inhale.

Bergamot – calming and uplifting this is one of my favourite citrus oils.  I often combine this with geranium in a diffuser, which freshens the house and lifts my mood!

Rosemary – supports adrenals and is good for fighting fatigue as well as boosting memory. Can be applied to *reflex points, or used in cooking (use a micro-pipette as it is very pungent!).

Clary Sage – helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It can be applied to *reflex points or blended with lavender in a diffuser.

Thyme – I love using thyme aromatically – it boosts my mood and helps me to focus when I’m tired.  Dilute and apply topically to wrists or add to a diffuser – it blends beautifully with citrus oils . Thyme can also be used in cooking (again, this is a pungent oil so consider using a micro-pipette).

*  Always dilute with fractionated coconut oil if you have sensitive skin!