I’ve never made sorbet before, or really had any desire to create anything so icy, until now!  But this week I found 6 kiwi fruit, quite close to death, lurking in my fruit compartment.  On the window ledge was a ripe avocado and outside the temperature was on the up, up, up!  I remember reading somewhere that icy foods need extra flavour so I was super-generous with the ginger and added some lime juice too.  Personally I don’t think it needs the honey but, if you do add some, be sparing so you don’t overpower the other flavours.  I’ll probably never be wild about eating anything straight from the freezer but, as sorbets go, I think it’s good.  Don’t take my word for it though – go try it!

6 kiwi fruit

1 ripe avocado

Large “thumb-size” piece ginger

1 lime, juiced

0-1 tsp. runny honey


Put the avocado flesh, ginger and lime juice into a high-speed blender and pulse until you have a really smooth puree.  Next, peel the kiwi and then roughly chop and separate the all-green flesh from the more seed-filled flesh.  Add the green flesh to the blender and again pulse until very smooth.  Then add the seed-filled flesh and pulse cautiously – too much and you will smash up the seeds which I think make the sorbet so attractive.  Tip the mixture into a glass container with a good lid and freeze for a couple of hours.  Remove the mixture and stir before returning to the freezer.  This will be ready to serve after three hours but if you leave it longer then you will need to allow some time to slightly defrost before you are able to scoop out the sorbet.  I ate mine with a strawberry and avocado salad, drizzled with a little tahini – delicious!