Okay so maybe you’re thinking time to frantically hit the shops but anyone who knows me will understand that I’m quite averse to Christmas paraphernalia. No, this milestone count down has an altogether different significance for me – it is a reminder that there’s still time to work on those New Year Resolutions made way back in January and since 73 days equals exactly a fifth of the year, why waste time focussing on a mid-winter over-indulgence fest when the time can be spent preparing to greet the winter brimming with health and feeling cheerful?

The ancient healthcare system of Ayurveda believes that the transitional period of autumn is actually the best time to make new resolutions. And, in my opinion, it is easier to take a more relaxed approach to improving your health as we approach winter, rather than making desperate efforts to adopt unsustainable regimes immediately after a period of festive cheer.

So in November I’ll be running a pre-winter nutritional cleanse and weight loss programme, my Little Black Dress Challenge. This 21-day programme is aimed at indentifying your personal dietary pitfalls in order to help you shed weight, flatten your stomach and fit into that gorgeous party frock to you start the season looking amazing. See Nutrition page for more details and email or message me if you’d like to take up the challenge!