Happy BLACK FRIDAY, instead of encouraging you to buy more stuff, I’d like to offer you some encouragement to invest in YOURSELF! I hope you see something to inspire you to be the very best you can be. These offers are for FRIDAY ONLY – valid until midnight UK time on Friday 25th November!
Get a 90 minute 1:1 private yoga session for the price of 60 minutes (£45) BLACK90
Or three, one-hour sessions for the price of two (£90) BLACK342
Book onto 1-day reboot (£85) and receive a free dietary assessment and 7-day eating plan BLACKREBOOT
Unlimited January yoga pass upgrade – £22 for termly members BLACKUNLIMITED
Receive 15% off hormone testing when you book a place on January Total Rebalance Programme BLACK15
Get 6 free timetabled yoga classes when you book onto 6-week January Gut Transformation Programme (£190) BLACK6FREE
Email me, including the relevant code in the subject header, and I will send you an invoice – all you need to do is make a BACS transfer before midnight to secure your deal!