• Wellness Day Retreat

    From: £125.00

    Take a pause, reconnect with yourself, and align your actions at a Bijoux Wellness Retreat in the tranquil Lake District.

    Have the last two years felt full of frantic energy that seems to lead you nowhere?
    Or maybe you’ve felt blocked and stagnant, stuck in overdrive and overwhelmed with what needs to be done?
    Perhaps you feel frustrated - life feels like an endless stream of duties that leave you feeling bored, or worse, burnt-out.
    Are you longing to feel that spark for life again, that joie de vivre that seems to have disappeared?
    If you’re nodding your head then why not take a day for yourself and come join us us on
    Saturday 7th January 2023 10am - 4pm
  • Sometimes just a little inspiration, from time to time,  is all we need.  Step forward the Winter Class Bundle containing four of my most popular classes for the winter months.  When you purchase this bundle you'll receive lifetime access to the following 4 classes: Easy Day Flow Finding Space December Flow Calming Evening Flow
  • This is my invitation to you to join me in my home studio for a creative practice suitable for all levels.  I'll share my personal morning flows of the week.  With a different emphasis each week, I'll be offering you a "straight to it" practice to get your day off to a good start.
  • Whatever kind of week you’ve had, this class will meet you where you are.  It's an unscripted offering - which means no two weeks will ever be the same – but it's Vinyasa flow and everyone is most welcome. In person Studio classes held at Embleton Village Hall
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    There’s nothing quite like practising yoga by candlelight – enveloped in a cocoon of darkness, with just enough flickering light to see your mat, creates a magical haven of tranquility.... In this intimate space we’ll share a calming practice and experience the uplifting power of moving with our breath in a way that feels unhurried and easeful.  This special offering is an invitation to expand your own capacity for self-compassion; we’ll reflect on our journey through this year and acknowledge our resilience and resourcefulness as well as everything we’ve brought to fruition. I’d love you to join me for this, my final class of 2023.  As ever, spaces are extremely limited. Where: Eaglesfield Village Hall When: Wednesday 6th December at 6.00pm
  • This is my invitation to you to join me in my home studio for a creative practice suitable for all levels.  I'll share my personal morning flows of the week, which always reflects my Ashtanga roots.  With a different emphasis each week, I'll be offering you a "straight to it" practice to get your day off to a good start.
  • Our metabolic health and biological age are inseparable; as we age, our hormones decline, which means that are metabolic function declines too! Because our metabolism influences so much of our health including our energy levels, weight, body composition, and even cognitive performance, when our metabolic function declines our health also suffers. But, there are so many factors within our control - both lifestyle and diet - that can help to slow this decline and help us maintain a robust metabolism; often these are small adjustments that lead to huge improvements so we feel from the inside out. This 10-day protocol offers you a chance to see how much difference clean-eating can make to your general wellbeing, digestive health, mood and energy without committing to a longer programme.  We will be avoiding ALL refined sugars and switching to smarter carbs! And, because even mild GI symptoms can impair our metabolism, we'll also be working to improve gut health; this reset includes gentle protocols to calm and ease the entire digestive tract. You’ll received daily guidance, which includes simple, delicious meals as well as daily movement and lifestyle tips that truly make all the difference.
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    I devised my 10-day “fast-track” protocol to help speed up my own recovery after having Covid.  So I know that it delivers results that you can quickly feel and see. Following my 10-day cleanse will give you a chance to see how much difference clean-eating can make to your general wellbeing, digestive health, mood and energy without committing to a longer programme. You’ll received daily guidance, which includes super-simple, delicious meals, daily movement and lifestyle tips that truly make all the difference.  And, the programme includes 3 powerful dietary supplements (worth £45) that deliver results quickly.  These gentle yet extremely effective supplements are ones that I regularly share with clients as well as my family and I’ve been using them myself to help speed-up my return to full health. Next programme starts Monday 1st August 2022


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