“Deep Dive” Masterclass Series – Saturday 18th January 2020

“The hips are emotionally charged, a place where we store some of our deepest vulnerabilities,” ~ Lindsay Simmons.

A Morning of Nourishing Yoga & Contemplation

In this first workshop of 2020 I’ll be inviting you to step away from life’s busyness, the demands that others place on you as well as the expectations you place on yourself, and immerse yourself in a morning of nourishing yoga and contemplation.

Dynamic Flows for the Hips

We’ll begin with a warming dynamic flow, targeting the hip-area; often-times we are super-tight through our entire pelvis without even realising it, so we’ll work through poses to alleviate tension in the thighs, hamstrings, psoas and buttock muscles.

Processing Emotions & Reaffirming Intentions

For some, working more deeply into the hips can be emotional so we’ll also work sensitively through some seated hip-openers, taking time for inner listening; heeding whatever arises and sifting through the layers and nuances of our personal “story”.  I’ll then be “holding space” for further contemplation and relaxation practices to soften and relax the body, heart and mind; a chance to let go of what no longer serves us whilst reaffirming our positive intentions.

These combined practices will leave you feeling calmer, stronger and more focused – ready for the year ahead!

Masterclass Event Details:

Date/Time:   0900 – 1300,  Saturday 18th January 2020

Investment: £48

Book Your Place

I also have 1 ticket available at £15 for someone unable to make the full investment but with a sincere interest in developing their practice; it will be allocated on a first come first served basis and no questions will be asked about your situation – email me directly: info@thehealtharchitect.co.uk