Also known as Eka Pada Chataranga Dandasana (one-legged, four-limbed staff pose – phew!)

This pose builds on the alignment principles established in Chataranga Dandasana and shouldn’t be attempted until you can transition fluidly through Chataranga Dandasana to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog). This pose will help you to progress towards more challenging arm balances and inversions. Work with care and precision as poor alignment will inhibit progress and predispose you to injury.

In Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) spread your fingers wide so that you have a strong foundation through your hands and then inhale as you sweep one leg up (as for dancing warrior).

Keep elbows tucked in and pointing to the back of your mat and upper arms pressing against the sides of your torso.

As you exhale lower your torso down towards your mat and start to aim your yourself through your hands.

Once you have started to straighten your arms so your upper body lifts into Urdhva Mukha Svanasana you then glide your raised leg to the floor; by the time your arms are completely straight and torso lifted your foot should have touched down!


  • Strengthens the triceps, biceps as they work to stabilise the elbows
  • Strengthens quadriceps as they work to keep the legs straight and lifted
  • Helps to develop core strength

Develops back and shoulder strength – especially the rhomboids connecting the shoulder blades to the spine