Contemporary Wellness
My work is to guide you towards your best self – it is as simple as that! Having trained in functional medicine I consider wide-ranging touch points on our health that go far beyond dietary influences; these include lifestyle, social, environmental, emotional and spiritual factors. Instead of considering symptoms in isolation, I seek to understand the broadest picture by listening to your story, delving deeper into the history of your symptoms and learning about your lifestyle. This approach allows me to offer support that is as unique as you are!
I specialise in supporting women to rebalance their hormones and I also have a deep awareness of the damaging effects of stress and toxic emotions on all our body systems; to me, this mind-body inter-connectedness is endlessly fascinating and inspires all my work.
Working with Me
After 10 years in clinical practice, I’ve seen that oftentimes it is our emotions that drive us – we over-identify with them and are unable to let them come and go. So, instead of creating small ripples, whilst we remain calmly detached, we get sucked into emotional turmoil until we feel completely out of balance.
This often becomes a downward spiral; we lose sight of our goals, our identity and finally our self-belief. Our own needs get lost amongst the competing pressures on our time and the demands of others. This is why so many women arrive at mid-life feeling burnt out and bitter!
If you are ready to begin your journey back to yourself then a Catalyst Hour could be a good place to start; these sessions are about galvanising your commitment to yourself and identifying the best modalities for you. Alternatively, you may be ready to dive straight into one of my Radiantly You programmes.

Making Peace with Yourself Coaching
This transformational, 1:1 coaching container is for women who who sense they’ve lost self-connection and yearn to return to a sense of greater self-alignment. In recent years I’ve found that women come to me at the brink of making a radical “clean sweep” of their lives! Often all that is required are some much more subtle shifts that can help to recalibrate or navigate obstacles and indecisions.
I create a safe space for women to verbalise their thoughts, fears and struggles. Telling our story is a powerful first step towards making changes so I encourage this process, whilst also using my life experiences and deeply empathic nature to offer intuitive guidance.
Some people can play the violin, some can run long-distances, very fast! My gift is being able to see your potential and find creative solutions so that you can shine!
If you’ve been yearning to live more intentionally, authentically and harmoniously, then this is for you! You’ve recognised that you are not living your best life but you need a little help to carve out a life that feels more balanced as well as more fulfilling.
1:1 Nutrition Consultations
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Consultations are normally face-to-face, although Skype or “Face Time” consultations can be arranged. Consultations normally last between 60 -75 minutes to allow time to discuss your experiences and treatment aims. A first consultation will also include a review of:
- Your health history
- Past and current symptoms
- Your diet and lifestyle
- Your nutritional status
You will then receive a tailored programme aimed at bringing your body back into balance. You will be given lifestyle and diet recommendations to correct nutrient deficiencies and imbalances, reduce the build-up of toxins and improve your digestive health. Food supplements may also be recommended along with specific functional tests*.
Follow-up consultations are used to assess progress and make adjustments to your programme. Between consultations you will receive ongoing support to help keep you on track.
*Nutritional therapy seeks to uncover specific biochemical imbalances or deficiencies that may be the under-lying cause of your health concerns. Functional testing is sometimes recommended particularly where digestive disturbances or hormone imbalances are suspected.
Collaborative and Integrative Care
When it comes to managing your health you should be able to make the choices that you feel are right for you. At The Health Architect we believe in working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals. If you have a diagnosed medical condition but would like to optimise your overall health by following a tailored nutritional therapy programme, we suggest that you discuss this with your GP as we believe that it is vitally important that everyone involved in your healthcare is aware of the choices you are making. Conversely, sometimes a nutritional therapy consultation can draw attention to potentially serious underlying health problems requiring medical intervention; under these circumstances we would seek your permission to liaise with your GP.
Please Note: Nutritional therapy should not be seen as a substitute for seeking medical advice. If you have a specific health concern and are unsure whether nutritional therapy can benefit you, call or email Sarah and she will let you know if she can help.