Squeezing more vegetables into your diet is easier if you eat them at every meal.  This recipe helps you get your first portion in at breakfast!  This is my latest version of a winter-spice granola and even just the smell is addictive.  Bake this a few times through December and your home will be smelling permanently festive – no need for scented candles!

100g porridge oats

100g oat bran

300g grated carrot

Thumb-size piece of ginger, grated

60g coconut oil

2 tbsps. runny honey

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

½ tsp fine sea-salt

½ tsp. ground star-anise

½ tsp. nutmeg

Pinch of ground cloves

1 tbsp. lightly toasted sunflower seeds

80g walnut halves

80g cranberries

Preheat the oven to around 130 °C.  Melt the coconut oil in a large pan and then stir in the oats, oat bran, grated carrot, grated ginger, spices, honey and salt. Mix thoroughly and then spread on a large baking tray about 4cms deep.  Bake in the oven for a total time of  75-80 minutes, checking and stirring every 20 minutes or so.  The mix should be quite dry and a little crunchy when you remove from the oven but it will become more crisp as it cools.  Allow to cool completely before adding the nuts, seeds and cranberries.  In theory, this granola will keep for two weeks, if stored in an air-tight container but you will probably need to hide it if you want it to last that long!