• Body composition changes are not a sign to start fighting with your body but a signal to devote more care towards yourself; and, it is a little nudge to investigate your metabolism. Metabolic health and biological age are inseparable. As we age, cumulative lifestyle factors affect our metabolic function and this, in turn, influences energy, weight, body composition, and even cognitive performance. The stronger and healthier our metabolic function, the more able we are to resist age-related health decline. Metabolic RESET offers you an energy-boosting clean-eating plan bursting with nutritious and delicious meals that are all quick to prepare. You'll learn how to balance your blood glucose naturally so you feel empowered to take back control of your own body.  And, you'll have the chance to gather your own data.   I've found that wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor is  THE best way to understand how different foods impact our metabolism so the programme now includes a Continuous Glucose Monitor. Next programme starts Monday 3rd June 2024
  • I've moved sharing my knowledge of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils centre-stage of my work this year.  I know that working with the extremely pure essential oils produced by doTERRA has uplevelled my own health. These oils are not only helping my physical wellbeing - immunity, gut, metabolic health, skin, urinary tract and structural integrity - but are also invaluable when it comes to supporting my Nervous System.  doTERRA formulations are helping me sleep through the night as well as helping me find peace and clarity. So I'm excited to be offering a new 1:1 consultation.  We'll discuss your health concerns and goals so that I can then offer you a highly personalised prescription that will include nutrition, botanicals, oils and supplements.  I know this integrated approach is the best way to benefit from the power of these healing oils and improve your long-term health whilst avoiding wasting time or money on things that don't work! This is what you’ll get:
    • 60 minute 1:1 consultation via zoom, taking time to discuss your health concerns and goals
    • Concise, evidence-based guidance on your health improvement priorities along with an actionable strategy
    • Intuitive advice on living more consciously and in awareness of your choices
    • Personalised dōTERRA product advice including essential oils, botanicals and supplements
  • 1:1 Yoga

    Private yoga sessions are a great option if you’re looking to build your confidence quickly, work on alignment, manage an injury or improve sports performance. Whether you are a complete beginner looking for an introduction, before joining a class, or you are an experienced student, looking to deepen your practice, working 1:1 offers a completely personalised approach.  Sessions will include a movement assessment and you can also expect hands-on assists to improve alignment.  I use video to help demonstrate alignment problems as well as to capture sequences, which can then be practised at home. These sessions can also be helpful if you want help with structuring a home practice or would like to try more challenging poses in a safe environment. Alternatively, if you would like a class for just you and a small group of your friends or you’d like me to come to your office to work with you and your colleagues then contact me by email.
  • Poetry in Motion is taught progressively across a block of  5 classes and offers a small teaching container for those wishing to take their practice further. For this early summer block it will be possible to attend on a drop-in basis.  You can book drop-in passes here. Building on the balance and sequencing skills of the first two series this third series will explore both pace and strength as we work towards the summer solstice. With an early summer focus on our Manipura chakra or solar plexus you can expect a dynamic, spirited practice and energising soundscape. Come breathe new energy into your practice and leave totally energised.  I cannot wait to share this with you. Starting Wednesday 15th May 2024, 6.15pm - 7.45pm and then on the following consecutive weeks: 22nd May 29th May 5th June 12th June Please note that no refund will be offered for any sessions not used and this pass cannot be used to attend other classes or events.
  • When: 6-7.45pm, Wednesday 19th June 2024 

    Where: Eaglesfield Village Hall, CA13 0RN 

    The summer solstice always feels so special to me – a combination of long days and incredible luminosity create a high-vibe. Early summer warmth is the best too; before the sultry heat of late summer, the long days of June are made for a more dynamic practice!  This special solstice flow will take you on a movement journey of fluid sequences and breathwork, with an energising soundscape to ensure you leave feeling truly uplifted. We'll acknowledge this mid-point in the year with gratitude for all the positives that have brought us this far.  Then we’ll take time to recommit to ourselves, so our enthusiasm stays strong as the year starts to ebb.  
  • This pass gives you one-time drop-in access to a 90-minute class - it is non-refundable but can be transferred to another date within the same series up to 24 hours before your booking. 


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